
Showing posts from May, 2024

Delivering Up the Kingdom and Subduing Death at the Close of the Age

Delivering Up the Kingdom and Subduing Death at the Close of the Age Below is the 33rd of multiple excerpts from Parts I and II of The Parousia , the late 19th-century masterpiece on the Second Coming by James Stuart Russell. The initial 31 posts on this blog deal with the Book of Revelation, which is cogently interpreted in Part III of Russell's magnum opus. (For all blog posts, see [Note: In 1 Corinthians 15:22-28, the Apostle Paul links Christ's Second Coming to the resurrection of the dead and "the end." (This Second Coming or Parousia was prophesied to occur within the lifetime of Jesus' own generation [Matt. 10:23, 16:28, 24:34, 26:64; Mark 9:1, 13:30, 14:62; Luke 9:27, 21:32, 22:69; Rev. 1:7].) Paul also links "the end" to the time when Christ delivers up the kingdom to God the Father and puts down every enemy under his feet, including death. As detailed in the previous Parousia blog post titled "Then Comes...

Then Comes the End -- of What?

Then Comes the End -- of What? Below is the 32nd of multiple excerpts from Parts I and II of The Parousia , the late 19th-century masterpiece on the Second Coming by James Stuart Russell. The initial 31 posts on this blog deal with the Book of Revelation, which is cogently interpreted in Part III of Russell's magnum opus. (For all blog posts, see "EVENTS ACOMPANYING THE PAROUSIA [SECOND COMING]. "The Resurrection of the Dead; the Change of the Living; the Delivering up of the Kingdom. "In entering upon this grand and solemn portion of the Word of God we desire to do so with profound reverence and humility of spirit, dreading to rush in where angels might fear to tread; and anxiously solicitous ‘to bring out of the inspired words what is really in them, and to put nothing into them that is not really there.’ "We venture also to bespeak [request] the judicial candour of the reader. A demand may be made upon his forbearance an...

The Arrival of the End of the Ages in the 1st Century

The Arrival of the End of the Ages in the 1st Century Below is the 31st of multiple excerpts of commentary from Parts I and II of The Parousia , the late 19th-century masterpiece on the Second Coming by James Stuart Russell. The initial 31 posts on this blog deal with the Book of Revelation, which is cogently interpreted in Part III of Russell's magnum opus. (For all blog posts, see "NEARNESS OF THE APPROACHING CONSUMMATION. "1 Cor. vii. 29-31 [1 Cor. 7:29-31].--- ‘But this I say, brethren, the time henceforth is short (the time that remains is short): in order that both they that have wives be as though they had none: and they that weep as though they wept not; and they that rejoice as though they rejoiced not; and they that buy, as though they possessed not; and they that use this world as not abusing [not fully using] it: for the fashion [Greek: schema , 'shape' or 'form' ] of this world is passing away.’ "No w...

Has the Fiery Judgment of the Corinthians' Work Still Not Taken Place?

Has the Fiery Judgment of the Corinthians' Work Still Not Taken Place? Below is the 30th of multiple excerpts of commentary from Parts I and II of The Parousia , the late 19th-century masterpiece on the Second Coming by James Stuart Russell. The initial 31 posts on this blog deal with the Book of Revelation, which is cogently interpreted in Part III of Russell's magnum opus. (For all blog posts, see "THE JUDICIAL CHARACTER OF ‘THE DAY OF THE LORD.’ "1 Cor. iii. 13 [1 Cor. 3:13 ].--- ‘Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it (the day) shall be revealed with fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.’ "In this passage, again, there is a distinct allusion to the ‘day of the Lord’ as a day of discrimination between good and evil, between the precious and the vile. The apostle [Paul, writing circa A.D. 57] likens himself and his fellow-labourers in the service of God t...