
Showing posts from March, 2024

Jesus' Declaration before the High Priest on the Coming of the Son of Man

Jesus' Declaration before the High Priest on the Coming of the Son of Man Below is the 10th of multiple excerpts of commentary from Parts I and II of The Parousia , the late 19th-century masterpiece on the Second Coming by James Stuart Russell. The initial 31 posts on this blog deal with the Book of Revelation, which is cogently interpreted in Part III of Russell's magnum opus. (For all blog posts, see "Our Lord's declaration before the High Priest [Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin]. "Matt. xxvi. 64 [Matt. 26:64] '...Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.' "Mark xiv. 62 [Mark 14:62] ' shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.' "Luke xxii. 69 [Luke 22:69] 'Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God.' "The reply of our Saviour to th...

Separation of the Sheep and Goats: A National, Not Worldwide, Judgment

Separation of the Sheep and the Goats: A National, Not Worldwide, Judgment Below is the ninth of multiple excerpts of commentary from Parts I and II of The Parousia , the late 19th-century masterpiece on the Second Coming by James Stuart Russell. The initial 31 posts on this blog deal with the Book of Revelation, which is cogently interpreted in Part III of Russell's magnum opus. (For all blog posts, see [Note: In preceding excerpts that have been posted on this blog, Russell has been setting forth his argument that Jesus' apocalyptic prophecy on the Mount of Olives in Matthew 24 (with parallels at Mark 13 and Luke 21) is a continuous whole---one that cannot be broken into artificial time divisions that allegedly distinguish between near and distant events. Russell contends that Jesus' prophecy, made circa A.D. 30, was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, which occurred in A.D. 70. Russell has argued that both chapte...

The Unity and Continuity of Matthew 24 (Olivet Discourse), part 3 [conclusion]

The Unity and Continuity of Matthew 24 (Olivet Discourse), part 3 [conclusion] Below is the eighth of multiple excerpts of commentary from Parts I and II of The Parousia , the late 19th-century masterpiece on the Second Coming by James Stuart Russell. The initial 31 posts on this blog deal with the Book of Revelation, which is cogently interpreted in Part III of Russell's magnum opus. (For all blog posts, see [Note: In this excerpt, Russell continues (see two previous blog posts) to set forth his argument that Jesus' apocalyptic prophecy in Matthew 24 (with parallels at Mark 13 and Luke 21) is a continuous whole---one that cannot be broken into artificial time divisions that allegedly refer to both A.D. 70 and post-A.D. 70 events, which are supposedly indicated by detectable transitions in the prophecy's subject matter. Rather, the sole focus of the circa A.D. 30 prophecy, known as the apocalyptic discourse on the Mount of Olives or Olivet...

The Unity and Continuity of Matthew 24 (Olivet Discourse), part 2

The Unity and Continuity of Matthew 24 (Olivet Discourse), part 2 Below is the seventh of multiple excerpts of commentary from Parts I and II of The Parousia , the late 19th-century masterpiece on the Second Coming by James Stuart Russell. The initial 31 posts on this blog deal with the Book of Revelation, which is cogently interpreted in Part III of Russell's magnum opus. (For all blog posts, see [Note: In this excerpt, Russell continues (see previous post) to set forth his argument that Jesus' apocalyptic prophecy in Matthew 24 (with parallels at Mark 13 and Luke 21) is a continuous whole -- one that cannot be broken into artificial time divisions that allegedly refer to both A.D. 70 and post-A.D. 70 events, which are supposedly indicated by detectable transitions in the prophecy's subject matter. Rather, the sole focus of the circa A.D. 30 prophecy, known as the apocalyptic discourse on the Mount of Olives or Olivet Discourse, is the impen...